Important MPLS interview questions and how to answer them?
What is MPLS? MPLS stands for Multiprotocol Label switching. It is a technology that processes data packets based on labels. Thus, it provides high-end network communication between different networks. The significant thing in this technology is that the whole communication between different nodes is done on the basis of labels instead of routing table lookups. That’s why MPLS is considered more efficient as compared to routing table lookups. What are some significant benefits of MPLS? The following is the list of all the incredible benefits that networking experts can enjoy! First of all, it supports multilevel QoS to minimize the risk of packet loss for different types of traffic. It offers fast convergence because you don’t need routing table lookup. Instead, communication is done through labels. It also offers scalability to IP VPNs. MPLS is a reliable and very secure way of communication between different nodes. How does MPLS work? In MPLS, each packet is assigned a ...